Liquid Assets MN is now viewable on TPT- MN Video Vault!


It’s been a GREAT couple of weeks …

1. We have been bombarded with positive feedback

2. Website traffic is at all time highs

3. One of the video clips we released is closing in on 1,000 views

Liquid Assets 3min Video Clip Promo

4. Other Cities, in other States want to show/share “Liquid Assets MN”

5. Friends of Infrastructure are sharing “Liquid Assets MN”by posting, tweeting, blogging, Facebooking and emailing (exactly what we were counting on … thank-you!)

And speaking of that last one …

(posting, tweeting, blogging, FaceBooking and emailing …)

We have yet another great way for you to view and share the importance of Minnesota’s critical water infrastructure …

Yep …

TPT-MN has uploaded the entire documentary “Liquid Assets Minnesota” into their MN Video Vault!

And that’s not all …

TPT-MN was kind enough to break the doc into segments (another popular request) so you can watch or SHARE individual pieces!

How cool is that?

Here’s the link:


-andrew sullivan

PS; While you watch the different segments please notice the Facebook link below the video. Simply cut and paste that link and you can share on Facebook/Twitter/blog or send your email list. Please do share BTW … word of mouth (you) is our greatest marketing tool!